The limestone walls of Weston-super-Mare

Many visitors - and for that matter newly arrived inhabitants - comment on the abundant flowers growing in Weston's (abundant) stone walls. Chief of these are two Bellflowers ("Posch" and "Port"), both of which seem to flower almost all year round (something they don't do in their native environments). Almost all of these flowers are introduced species from cultivation but the plants I feature here have very definitely learnt to survive on their own.

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The Bellflowers Campanula poscharskyana
Trailing Bellflower

Campanula portenschlagiana
Dalmatian Bellflower ("Port")
Other flowers Centranthus ruber
Red Valerian
Centranthus ruber
White "Red Valerian" !
Pseudofumaria lutea
Yellow Corydalis
Lobularia maritima
Sweet Alison
Mycelis muralis
Wall Lettuce
Linaria purpurea
Purple Toadflax
Cymbalaria muralis
Ivy-leaved Toadflax
Geranium robertianum
Herb Robert
Erigeron karvinskianus
Mexican Fleabane
Spergularia rupicola
Rock Sea-spurrey
Ferns Asplenium ruta-muraria
Asplenium trichomanes
Common Spleenwort
And not forgetting Hedera helix

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© J R Crellin 2004